We Will Be At CLICK! Digital Expo 4th November 2015

We pleased to announce Imagine If Media has a booth at this years CLICK! Digital Expo. The event is held at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre at South Brisbane on the 4th November 2015. it is free to the public and features a wide variety of digital businesses services (including ourselves) to help businesses or startups looking for more information on this industry.
We will be focusing on our new Online Startup Packages we are now offering in conjunction with our friends at FJR Innovations. FJR is a new business that we have partnered with who provide everything you need to get an idea, invention or new product into the marketplace no matter what stage you are at. They provide services including patenting, prototyping, grants, funding, product development and national/international sales & distribution. We work with them to provide clients with website design, branding design, videos & animation, online marketing, product packaging design and other online services needed to ensure a successful venture.
We are excited about this new venture, having already helped inventors and entrepreneurs in the past with our services to bring their product to life. It is very satisfying to be a part of projects from the start and to see them come into fruition in the market.
If you have a new idea or invention and would like more information, come visit at the CLICK! Digital Expo on November 4th, or contact us here to speak with us about how we can help you.